Friday, October 7, 2011

Social Media in Disasters

With Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Google+... the list goes on and on. Social media has grown tremendously over the last few years. We are no longer only using these social tools to expand our social circle. Because of its fast pace, many people are turning to the various social tools to give and receive information during disasters or emergencies. I think it is a great way to communicate information rapidly, but what happens when it's not the right information?

Although there are many great examples of social media gone right, people can also be misinformed. Many state, government, and local organizations have used social media as a way to disseminate important information regarding emergencies or disasters happening in the area, but sometimes outside sources may misinform the public in their attempt to help. During disaster response and emergencies things can happen so quickly and drastically that this may cause this misinformation.

Make sure to always call or check the website to stay informed about disasters or emergencies.

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