Wednesday, September 8, 2010


The American Red Cross of Central Texas opened three shelters in Williamson County after heavy rainfall forced the evacuation of some residents in that county beginning yesterday evening. The Georgetown shelter, located at 1003 North Austin Blvd, will remain open through the night. The Round Rock shelter, located at the Clay Madsen Center, has closed as of this afternoon. The shelter that had been opened in the early morning hours in Florence has been closed, and is on standby to be reopened this evening.

American Red Cross employees and volunteers  have worked around the clock to staff the three shelters since  their opening yesterday evening, with relief volunteers arriving during the day so that the night shift could get some much needed rest.  Dedicated employees and volunteers in emergency services and disaster response often work very long hours, particularly during the initial phase of the response, in order to make sure our clients get the services they need.  

Red Cross provided breakfast, lunch, snacks, blankets and other personal items that will help people get through this difficult time as they await news on the condition of their homes. All of these services are provided free of charge through the generosity and monetary donations of Central Texans.  You can make a donation to help us be prepared for the next disaster by visiting our website at

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